Affiliated Organizations
Global Mental Health Lab: Teachers College, Columbia University (2020-Present)
Social Computational Neuroscience Lab (SCONE): Adelphi University (2018-Present)
Researching Inequity in Society Ecologically (RISE) Lab: New York University (Summer 2019)
Written Work (Under review)
Teachers College, Columbia Univesity- Masters Thesis (Supervised by Dr. Damian Stanley) “Untold Stories: Exploring the Role of Empathic Storytelling in Reducing Implicit Race Bias and Increasing Critical Consciousness”
Adelphi University- Undergraduate Thesis (Supervised by Dr. Damian Stanley) “Implicit Race Bias: Do Different Implicit Bias Tasks Assess the Same Underlying Construct”
Simmons, A., Stanley, D.,(2020, August) Implicit Race Bias: Do Different Implicit Bias Tasks Assess the Same Underlying Construct. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C. (also presented at National Undergraduate of Undergraduate Research Conference, Kennesaw, GA.)
Simmons, A., Javdani, S., Godfrey, E., Ibrahim, D. (2020, August) Does Awareness and Self and Privilege Influence Critical Consciousness. Poster presented at American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C (paper was also presented at the New York University Diversity Conference, New York)
Simmons, A., Rodriguez, E., (2020, June) Turn Our Mics On: Activate Change through Civic Engagement. Online Presentation for New York Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs Weekly Workshop Series
Simmons, A., Rodriguez, E., (2020 June) So…Let’s Talk About Social Inequality. Online Presentation for New York Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs Weekly Workshop Series